

inspiration post: june

photos: tumblr
 yesterday ... , photo by my brother

summer is here!
june is going to be more boho!
so be inspired by great memories and be relaxed.
Enjoy every second of your life!
that's all i need to tell and it's all you need to know for june/ summer.
hope you have a great time!


Erin Wasson

photos: tumblr


Today just some photos of Erin Wasson. She's a topmodel and of course a style icon.
She has already worked for Valentino, Givenchy, Gucci, Karl Lagerfeld, H&M, Victoria's Secret,....
I think she's one of the most beautiful and interesting models of this world not just because of her tatoos! Her look is something new she doesn't look like she cares about what other people think about her. She also doesn't look like she needs hours for getting ready in the morning.

by kim


how life plays ..

pictures from tumblr

just a bit today.
the days when you don't feel happy are just normal... you need people that make you happy! -by kim-


Santigold - Disparate Youth

I know that's just an animated video, but the offical video doesn't work!
But I hope you have some time to listen to the song, because it's just amazing!
I really love this song and I think your have to know it.
Lots of love
by Kim*


Fun- We are young ... ♥

Here's also a great song, I know many of you already  kNow the song . But  I want to post it it ♥

by car :***

Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans

I just wanted to show you this video from Lana del Rey.
I really love her songs.
This song is one of my favourites!
Lots of Love,

one day ....

I want to start this post with such a beautiful pic of the beach from capetown!!! 
I love the pic and I want to go there one day...  (from google pictures)

 by car :***