Florence + the Machine
Florence Welch (singer), Rob Ackroyd (guitare), Christopher Lloyd Hayden (drums), Isabella Summers (keyboard), Mark Saunders (bass), Tom Monger (harp)
Florence Welch, singer and fashion icon (photo:tumblr) | | | | | | | | | | |
'Cause they took your loved ones
But returned them in exchange for you
But would you have it any other way?
Would you have it any other way?
You could have had it any other way
'Cause she's a crueller mistress
And the bargain must be made
But oh, my love, don't forget me
But I let the water take me
Lay me down
Let the only sound
Be the over flow
Pockets full of stones'
What the water gave me- Florence + the Machine
Lots of love..
by kim